Accompany two young girls as they embark on a captivating journey through a fantastical educational institution, striving to establish themselves as the epitome of elegance and grace! While one attends the prestigious academy for Witches, the other is resolute in becoming an enchantress adorned with unparalleled panache that would render even princesses insecure. Employ unconventional textiles such as sleek black leather, luxurious satin, and other distinctive fabrics to engineer awe-inspiring ensembles that will leave everyone, even the most demanding princes, mesmerized. Immerse yourself in the realm of enchanting couture at the exalted School of Magic!
Aid the two inseparable confidantes in their quest to metamorphose into the quintessential trend-setters by meticulously curating their makeup, hairstyling, dresses, and accessories. Preserve your masterpieces in the form of PNG images. Employ mouse clicks on personal computers or touch controls on mobile devices.